You want to be an actor?
You're applying to schools this year.
How should you prepare?
Acting schools are competitive, many are talented and if you want to stand a chance, you need high-level preparation.
We have some of the best trainers in the country ready to help you.
Copenhagen Acting School offers a course with 7 hours of weekly classes over approximately 4 months.
We strengthen you, make you clearer and give you impact. The course prepares you physically and vocally, strengthens your courage and improvisational skills (Meisner technique), and makes you and your text stand out more clearly as the unique person you are by working with scenes.
There's a particular focus on working with text and scenes: how do you choose the best text for you? How do you work with it so that it unlocks as much of your talent as possible? And how do you set yourself free so you can show your energy and present yourself in the strongest possible way to others?
Do you get nervous on a test?
We're doing something about that too.
The price is DKK 9,500 for 78 hours of training. You can pay in installments of DKK 3,000 per month.
For those interested, the course can be extended into January-February.
Course start date: September 11, 2024; last class December 14 (no classes during fall break)
Times: Wednesdays 17-20 and Saturdays 11-15 - all classes take place at Copenhagen Acting School. Gasværksvej 4E, 1656 Copenhagen V.
Max: 12 participants.