by Alice Birch
3. graduation show of the year

In a series of colorful vignettes, playwright Alice Birch rages against the gendered norms that dictate human existence and expression. Humans have a fundamental need to think, move, play and survive, but these norms leave us with a claustrophobic sense of how little space is left to explore these needs.

Cast: Sofie Skov Nielsen, Henriette Knudsen, Helene Stauersbøl Eldov, Thomas Lykke, Anton Hjort Nielsen, Ebba Malena Debess Thomsen and Nadia Rantzau Hunderup.

Direction: Petra Adlerberth-Wik

Playwright: Alice Birch


2nd year final performance

Are you a box thinker? Do you just think your neighbor is a giant constipated jerk?

Do you think it's okay to wear a burqa even if you're not Muslim? Is a lap dance on a man an insult or a compliment? Are you ugly without your filter? Have you created a persona you like on social media? Do you spend your time wisely or do you spend six hours a day staring into a phone? Then get your finger out, book a ticket and spend an hour looking at a mirror image of yourself.

On stage: Anton Hjort Nielsen, Ebba Malena Debess Thomsen, Helene Stauersbøl Eldov, Henriette Knudsen, Nadia Rantzau Hunderup, Sofie Skov Nielsen & Thomas Lykke Jensen

Staging: Lykke Sand



by Lars Norén
2nd year midterm

An open psychiatric ward. 8 patients, one caregiver and one relative. A conspicuous absence of doctors, but filled with people in need of help and human contact. Lars Noren's vast output can be seen as a catalog of people. In 'The Clinic' he has reached the mentally ill and those who surround them. He describes them nakedly but gently, cruelly but lovingly, and with a sometimes completely surprising baroque humor.

Direction: Carsten Kressner.

Cast: Annasofie Yde Poulsen, Anton Hjort Nielsen, Birte Jona Røskvar Knutzen, Malena Debess Thomsen, Helene Stauersbøl Eldov, Henriette Knudsen, Nadia Rantzau Hunderup, Sofie Skov Nielsen and Thomas Lykke Jensen.

Guest player: Simon Kaarfast